Name : Professor AKM Akhtaruzzaman
Date of Birth : December 30, 1964
Mailing Address :
Professor of Neuroanaesthesiology and Course Co-Ordinator
Department of Anaesthesia, Intensive Care and Pain Medicine
Room no-1014, Block-C, 9th Floor, BSMMU, Shahbag,
Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
Apt: A-2, Green Jasmine
House No-06, Road No-07
Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka-1205
Telephone : +88-02- 55165635 (direct), +88-02- 966 1052-60 ext: 4217 (O); +88-02-9666212 (Res); Mobile- +88-01819- 220195
Fax No : +8802 9101-995
Email : <
<>; <>
Present position:
Professor of Neuroanaesthesiology and Course Co-ordinator, Post graduate courses in Anaesthesia,
Department of Anaesthesia, Intensive Care and Pain Medicine, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, Shahbag, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
Name of exam
Diploma/Degree Offering Authority/Institution
Doctor of Medicine
MD (Anaesthesiology)
January 1998
Institute of Postgraduate Medicine & Research (IPGMR), under University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
Diploma in Anaesthesiology
July 1993
Institute of Postgraduate Medicine & Research (IPGMR), under University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
September 1988
Dhaka Medical College under University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
Professor of Neuroanaesthesia
Department of Anaesthesiology
December 19,2009 to date
Associate Professor
Department of Anaesthesiology
October 7, 2003 to December 18.2009
Assistant Professor
Department of Anaesthesiology
October 06, 1999 to October 6, 2003
Junior Consultant
Department of Anaesthesiology
BIRDEM Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh
August 24, 1998 to October 05, 1999
Department of Anaesthesiology
BIRDEM Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh
April 16, 1996 to August 23, 1998
Medical Officer
Department of Anaesthesiology
BIRDEM Hospital, Dhaka
November 1,1994 to April 15, 1996
Honorary Anaesthesiologist
Department of Anaesthesiology
Dhaka Medical College Hospital
January 8, 1990 to June 30 1992
Dhaka Medical College Hospital
January 8, 1989 to January 7, 1990
Clinical Observership in Pain Medicine
Department of Pain Medicine
Juntendo University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan
September 30, 2016 to October 5, 2016
Hands on Training in Palliative Care
Department of Pain and Palliative Care, Amrita Institute of Medical Science (AIMS), Cochin, Keralla, India
January 05, 2003 to January 12, 2003
One month Hands-on Training on Pain Medicine
Department of Anaesthesiology and Pain Clinic
Surugadai Nihon University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan
October 23, 1999 to November 22, 1999
Fellow in Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine
Nippon Medical School
Tokyo, Japan
July 04, 1992 to October 30, 1992
1. Recipient of University Research Grant 2015 (Development of a critical incident reporting system during anaesthesia for Department of Anaesthesia, Analgesia and Intensive Care Medicine, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University) as principal investigator, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
2. Recipient of Center of Excellent Research Grant 2011(Neurolytic caeliac plexus block for pain relief in pancreatic malignancy – a comparative study) as principal investigator, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
3. Recipient of University Grant Commission Bangladesh ‘Academic Innovation Fund 2012’ (Development of palliative care teaching material for under graduate and masters level) as an Alternate Sub-Project Manager; CP-2054
4. Nationwide survey on neurological complications after central neuraxial block as principal investigator
5. Bangladesh Co-ordinator, Essential Pain Management (EPM) Course
6. Course Co-ordinator, BSMMU and Aesculap Academy joint course on Regional Anaesthesia and Analgesia
7. Course Co-ordinator, Certificate Course on Pain Medicine (CCPM), organized jointly by Bangladesh Society for study of Pain (BSSP) and Department of Anaesthesiology, BSMMU
Name of Student, Course and Session
Title of Thesis
Dr. Muhammad Shamsul Arefin
MD Anaesthesiology
September 2014 to August 2017
Ozone chemonucleolysis on pain and disability in patients with prolapsed lumber intervertebral disc.
Dr. Mehdi Hassan
MD Anaesthesiology
September 2014 to August 2017
Ultrasound guided nerve stimulation and nerve stimulation alone for supraclavicular brachial plexus block – A randomized comparative study
Dr. Mahfuza Akter
MD Anaesthesiology
September 2013 to August 2016
Effectiveness of oral Clonidine in providing optimal surgical field and stable heamodynamics in prolapsed lumber inter-vertebral disc surgery under general anaesthesia- a placebo controlled study
Dr Mir Mohammad Rifat Chowdhury
MD Anaesthesiology
March 2012 to November 2014
Role of clonidine in neuroanaesthesia for patient with supra-tentorial space occupying lesion undergoing craniotomy- a placebo-control comparative study
Dr Mohammad Sofiuddin
MD Anaesthesiology
July 2009- June 2011
Role of oral clonidine premedication in diabetic patient on haemodynamic status and blood homeostatic- a placaebo control comparative study
Dr Hasan Tarek
MD Anaesthesiology
Neurolytic caeliac plexus block for pain relief in pancreatic malignancy – a comparative study
Dr. Md Wadudul Islam
MD Anaesthesiology
January 2007-December 2009
Sevoflurane versus halothane for general anaesthesia in paediatric patients- a comparative study of induction haemodynamic response and emergence
Dr. Mohammad Hossain Bhuiyan
MS Facio-maxilary Surgery
July 2006-June 2008
Efficacy of methylprednisolone with inferior nerve block in third molar tooth surgical extraction
Dr. Farhana Selina
MD Anaesthesiology
July 2005-June 2007
Effects of oral clonidine on stability of mean blood pressure in craniotomy
Dr. Md Harun Ur Rashid
MS Facio-maxilary Surgery
July, 2004 to June, 2006
Role of nerve block in oral cancer pain management – a comparative4 study with conventional therapy
Name of Student and Session
Title of Thesis
Dr Md Hasanuzzaman
July 2016
Effects of pre-operative education on post-operative pain, anxiety and patients satisfaction after coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery
Dr Shofia Sultana Shampa
Evaluation of quality of inhalation anaesthesia in paediatric patients using Halothane alone or sequential use of Sevoflurane and Halothane- a comparative study
Dr M Mushfiqur Rahman
Comparative study between 0.5% plain bupivacaine-fentanyl and 0.5% hyperbaric bupivacaine alone when administered intrathecally for TURP surgery
Dr Nepal Chandra Saha
Role of pre-emptive oral paracetamol in laparoscopic cholecystectomy surgery- a comparative study
Dr Md. Monowarul Islam
Subarachnoid clonidine or fentanyl with low dose hyperbaric bupivacaine for elective caesarean section- a comparative study
Name of International Congress
Title of Abstract
10th European Federation of IASP (EFIC) Congress on Pain 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark
Attended as invited delegate from Bangladesh
16th World Congress on Pain 2016, Yokohama, Japan
Caudal epidural and ozone neucleolysis for management of pain and disability in prolapsed lumber intervertebral disc – a prospective cohort study
Annual Scientific meeting of Pain Association of Singapore 2016
Attended as invited delegate from Bangladesh
13th Asian Oceanic Society of Regional Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine Congress, Bangkok, Thailand
January 22-24, 2015
I have learned and practice ultrasound guided for nerve block in this workshop
NYSORA Asia K-2 Mission 2014 ultrasound guided nerve block workshop, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
March 8-9, 2014
I have learned and practice ultrasound guided for nerve block in this workshop
67th Postgraduate assembly of New York State Society of Anaesthesiologists (NYSSA) as International Scholar, December 13-17, 2013
Invited as International Scholar
59th Annual congress of Japanese Society of Anaesthesiologists (JSA), Kobe, Japan
Lignocaine infusion for the treatment of neuropathic pain- a preliminary report
14th World Congress of Pain 2012, Milan, Italy
Effect of Neurolytic coeliac plexus block on pain relief in patients with pancreatic malignancy in Bangladesh: a comparison with conventional approach
14th World Congress of Anaesthesiologists 2008, Cape Town, South Africa.
Mandibular nerve block by methyl prednisolone in oral cancer pain management- a comparative study
27th Congress of Japan Society for Clinical Anaesthesiologists (JSCA) 2007, Tokyo, Japan.
Development of pain and palliative care service in Bangladesh
V European Congress on Pain 2006, Istanbul, Turkey.
Role of Midazolam added to low dose hyperbaric Bupivacaine in sub-arachnoid block for lower uterine caesarean section-a comparative study.
Sixth SACA (South Asian Confederation of Anaesthesiologists) congress, 2005, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Effect of ketorolac with low dose midazolam infusion on post-operative pethidine consumption after major gynaecological surgery
Third Fresinious Kabi Symposium on Transfusion Alternative 2004, Seoul, South Korea.
Use of HES as an alternative fluid for preloading during caesarean section.
Fifth SACA (South Asian Confederation of Anaesthesiologists) congress, 2003, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Neurolytic coeliac plexus block for cancer pain management
Fourth SACA (South Asian Confederation of Anaesthesiologists) congress, 1999, Chennai, India
Second SAFOC Congress, 1999, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Multimodal approach for postoperative pain management
Low dose bupivacaine and fentanyl for continuous epidural block in labour pain management
Third SACA (South Asian Confederation of Anaesthesiologists) congress, 1997, Karachi, Pakistan
Unilateral subarachnoid block in high risk patient- BIRDEM experience
Second SACA (South Asian Confederation of Anaesthesiologists) congress, 1995, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Perioperative management of diabetes- an update
First SACA (South Asian Confederation of Anaesthesiologists) congress, 1993, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Use of ENTONOX in post-operative pain management
1. Organizing Secretary , 17th BSSP Congress on Pain 2015
2. Chairman, Scientific Committee, 10th SAARC AA Congress 2013, Dhaka, Bangladesh
3. Secretary General, Bangladesh Society for Study of Pain (BSSP)
4. Founder Secretary General, South Asian Regional Pain Society (SARPS)
5. Member, International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP)
6. Member, Executive Committee, Bangladesh Society of Anaesthesiologists (BSA)
7. Chairman. International Liaison Committee, Bangladesh Society of Anaesthesiologists (BSA), 2011-2012
8. Life member, Bangladesh Medical Association (BMA)
9. Member, Editorial Board, Pain Journal
10. Organizing Secretary , 14th BSSP Congress on Pain 2012
11. Associate Editor, Journal of Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care (APICARE), Pakistan
1. Bangladesh Co-ordinator, Essential Pain management Course
2. Member of core group for drafting the guide line : National Guideline for Management, Prevention and Control of Nipah Virus Infection Including Encephalitis (Technical support by WHO, Bangladesh Office) 2012
3. I availed the opportunity to represent as an expert consultant from Bangladesh for the core committee to develop ‘clinical criteria for the determination of death’ which was accepted for implementation globally held on 22-23 September 2014 at WHO Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland.
4. Member of core group for drafting the guide line : on detection, reporting, clinical management, infection control, contact tracing, waste management, risk communication and burial of dead bodies for Ebola Viral Disease (Technical support by WHO, Bangladesh Office) 2014
1. Best teacher award 2002, Department of Anaesthesia, Intensive Care and Pain Medicine, BSMMU
2. Best performing consultant award 2003, Department of Anaesthesia, Intensive Care and Pain Medicine, BSMMU
3. International Scholar of 67th Postgraduate assembly of New York State Society of Anaesthesiologists (NYSSA) December 13-17, 2013
1. Akhtaruzzaman AKM, Lutful Aziz, Islam M, Iqbal KM, Mustafa MH. Continuous infusion epidural analgesia for labour- a comparison between bupivacaine-fentanyl mixture or lignocaine at late second stage of labour. Journal of Bangladesh Society of Anaesthesiologists 1997; 10:1: 10-19.
2. Lutful Aziz, Akhtaruzzaman AKM. Reversal of Neuromuscular Blockade. Journal of Bangladesh Society of Anaesthesiologists 1997; 10:1: 46-51
3. Hye MA, Akhtaruzzaman AKM, Fazle Elahee Chowdhury AYE, Khalilur Rahman, Iqbal KM Epidural morphine for post caesarean section analgesia: comparison with traditional intramuscular bolus. Journal of Bangladesh Society of Anaesthesiologists 1997; 10:2: 87-91.
4. Intakhab Alam, Hye MA, Akhtaruzzaman AKM, Fazlur Rahman SM, Iqbal KM. Prevention of hypotension during caesarean section under subarachnoid block: comparison of ephedrine infusion with fluid preloading. Journal of Bangladesh Society of Anaesthesiologists 1999:12:2, 39-44.
5. Lutful Aziz, Akhtaruzzaman AKM. Blood transfusions and blood substitute- the recent advancements. Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science 2000: 6:2, 42-47.
6. Firoza Begum, Akhtaruzzaman AKM, Das TR, Akhtar NR, Begum SR. Effect of epidural analgesia on labour pain: a randomized comparative study with intramuscular pethidine. The Journal of Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons 2001: 19:3; 90-97.
7. Akhtaruzzaman AKM, Bhavesh Chandra, Begum Maksuda Farida Akhtar, Iqbal KM. Continuous epidural infusion of fentanyl citrate and pethidine hydrochloride with low dose bupivacaine for post-operative analgesia after caesarean section- a comparative study. Journal of Bangladesh Society of Anaesthesiologists 2001:14: 43-48.
8. Muksudul Alam ABM, Jamal ABM, Iqbal KM. Akhtaruzzaman AKM. Management of postoperative pain- a comparative study. Journal of Dhaka Medical College 2001: 10:1: 1-5.
9. Hasina Akhter, Md Rezaul Haque, Akhtaruzzaman AKM, Lutful Aziz, Kazi Mesbahuddin Iqbal. Combined spinal-epidural for labour analgesia- comparison of bupivacaine-fentanyl with bupivacaine-tramadol. Journal of the Bangladesh Society of Anaesthesiologists 2002. 15:1&2. 3-8.
10. Ranadhir Kumar Kundu, Akhtaruzzaman AKM, Paresh Chandra Sarkar, Rubina Yasmine, Iqbal KM. Evaluation of five points transfusion scoring system to determine the triggering point for per-operative blood transfusion. Journal of the Bangladesh Society of Anaesthesiologists 2002. 15:1&2. 22-26.
11. Shyama Prashad Mitra, Akhtaruzzaman AKM, Md Habibur Rahman, Md. Munirul Islam. A comparative study of lignocaine versus lignocaine-ketamine mixture in Bier’s Block. Journal of the Bangladesh Society of Anaesthesiologists 2003. 16:1&2. 18-23.
12. Niaz Ahmed, Md Mozaffar Hossain, Rubina Yasmin, Akhtaruzzaman AKM, Iqbal KM. Intrathecal isobaric low dose Bupivacaine-fentanyl for transurethral resection of prostate- a comparative study with traditional hyperbaric technique. Journal of the Bangladesh Society of Anaesthesiologists 2003. 16:1&2. 24-29.
13. Tripti Rani Das, Samsad Jahan, Akhtaruzzaman AKM, Begum SR. Post caesarean section oral feeding- comparison between early feeding with traditional feeding. Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science 2004. 10:01:46-48.
14. Mir Mahmud Hossain, Moinul Hossain, Akhtaruzzaman AKM, Kazi Mesbahuddin Iqbal. Assessment of tracheal intubation grading. Journal of the Bangladesh Society of Anaesthesiologists 2004. 17:1&2. 3-6.
15. Md Shahidul Islam, Abdul Kader, Akhtaruzzaman AKM, Iqbal KM. Effect of Hydroxyethyl Starch for preloading in pre-eclamptic patients undergoing caesarean section under sub- arachnoid bock- a comparison with Hartmann’s solution. Journal of the Bangladesh Society of Anaesthesiologists 2004. 17:1&2. 7-11.
16. Md Mozaffar Hossain, Akhtaruzzaman AKM, Hasina Begum, Niaz Ahmed, Md Khalilur Rahman. Foeto- maternal outcome in pre-eclamptic parturient undergoing caesarean section-influence of pre-operative control pf blood pressure. Journal of the Bangladesh Society of Anaesthesiologists 2004. 17:1&2. 28-31.
17. Aziz Lutful, Islam Mohammad Sirajul, Akhtaruzzaman AKM, Hossain Hasibul, Haque AKM Azizul, Iqbal KM. Addition of opioids to local anaesthetic in brachial plexus block: comparison between morphine, pethidine and fentanyl. Indian Journal of Pain (INDPAIN) 2004: 18:2: 37-41
18. Iqbal Hossain Chowdhury, Hasina Begum, Asia Begum, Akhtaruzzaman AKM, Iqbal KM. Evaluation of tip holed spinal needle- a comparative study. Journal of the Bangladesh Society of Anaesthesiologists 2005. 18:1&2. 3-8.
19. Rubina Yasmin, Akhtaruzzaman AKM, Paresh Chandra Sarkar, Ranadhir Kumar Kundu, Iqbal KM. Pre-emptive analgesia for post operative pain relief in children- role of paracetamol. Journal of the Bangladesh Society of Anaesthesiologists 2005. 18:1&2. 9-16.
20. Md Sirajul Islam, Debabrata Banik, Akhtaruzzaman AKM, Paresh Chandra Sarkar, Kazi Mesbahuddin Iqbal. Use of oral Bromazepam as premedicant and its effects in peri-operative period- a comparative study with oral Diazepam. Journal of the Bangladesh Society of Anaesthesiologists 2005. 18:1&2. 22-28.
21. Md Shahjahan, Md Shahidul Islam, Akhtaruzzaman AKM, Iqbal KM. Study of haemodynamic status after anti-cholinergic pre medication during electroconvulsive therapy- a comparative study between Atropine and Glycopyrolate. Journal of the Bangladesh Society of Anaesthesiologists 2005. 18 (1-.2): 31-37.
22. Akhtaruzzaman AKM, Agarwal AK, Iqbal KM. Role of Midazolam added to low dose hyperbaric Bupivacaine in sub-arachnoid block for lower uterine caesarean section-a comparative study. European Journal of Pain 2006. 10:1. 199. [As Abstract]
23. Laila Arjumand Banu, M Taslim Uddin, Akhtaruzzaman AKM, Shoyela Shahnaz. Pain in Women. Pain Journal 2006. 2 (1-2):16-22.
24. Dilip Kumar Saha, Md Abdul Kader, Md Mostafa Kamal, Akhtaruzzaman AKM, Iqbal KM. Effect of low dose propranonol on perioperative stress induced haemodynamic changes in upper abdominal surgery. Journal of the Bangladesh Society of Anaesthesiologists 2006. 19 (1-2): 14-19.
25. Sabina Yeasmeen, Rubina Yasmin, Akhtaruzzaman AKM, Shahera Khatun UH. Intravenous granisetron, ondansetron and metoclopramide in the prevention and treatment of postoperative nausea and vomiting after laparoscopic cholecystectomy- a comparative study. Journal of the Bangladesh Society of Anaesthesiologists 2006. 19:1-2: 20-27.
26. Md Harun Or Rashid, Meftahuzzaman ASM, Manirul Islam, Akhtaruzzaman AKM. Comparative study of haemodynamic changes between endotracheal intubation and LMA insertion. Journal of the Bangladesh Society of Anaesthesiologists 2006. 19:1-2: 28-32.
27. Farhana Selina, Akhtaruzzaman AKM, Talha KA. Effects of oral clonidine on stability of mean blood pressure in craniotomy. Journal of Medical Science & Research 2007.9:1.8-14.
28. Md Quamrul Islam, Hasina Begum, Akhtaruzzaman AKM, UH Shahera Khatun. Study on efficacy of Nalbuphine Hydrochloride as pre-emptive analgesic- comparison with diclofenac sodium after open cholecystectomy. Journal of the Bangladesh Society of Anaesthesiologists 2007. 20:2: 39-44.
29. Md Abdul Karim, Debasish Banik, Abdul Hye, Quamrul Huda, Laskar MMH, Debabrata Banik, Akhtaruzzaman AKM. Effect of site of injection on spread of spinal anaesthesia with hyperbaric bupivacaine Journal of the Bangladesh Society of Anaesthesiologists 2007. 20:2: 51-55.
30. Amirul Islam, Mozaffar Hossain, Akhtaruzzaman AKM, UH Shahera Khatun. Study on role of oral clonidine in laparoscopic cholecystectomy surgery- a comparative study. Journal of the Bangladesh Society of Anaesthesiologists 2008. 21 (1): 12-20.
31. Akhtaruzzaman AKM, Satyajit Dhar, Asaduzzaman AKM, Md. Abdus Samad, Manzoorul Haq Laskar, Mustafa Kamal, Md. Hye MA. Anaesthetic management for hand assisted laparoscopic enucleation of pancreatic insulinoma. Journal of the Bangladesh Society of Anaesthesiologists 2008. 21:1: 50-52.
32. Shohda Khatun, Motiur Rahman Molla, AKM Akhtaruzzaman, Md Sayedur Rahman. Effectiveness of multimodal pre-emptive analgesic therapy in maxillofacial surgery. Bangladesh Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 2008.24:1-2:17-24.
33. Begum SA, Fariduddin M, Akhtaruzzaman AKM, Kazal RK. Idiopathic cardiomyopathy in pregnancy: case report with brief review. Bangladesh Journal of Medicine 2009. 20:1:43-45.
34. Montosh Kumar Mandal, Shahadat Hossain, Beauty Rani Roy, Begum Maksuda Farida Akhtar, Joy Sree Roy, Akhtaruzzaman AKM. Role of oral ondansetron for prevention of post operative nausea and vomiting in laparoscopy assisted gynaecological surgery- a comparative study. Journal of the Bangladesh Society of Anaesthesiologists 2008. 21:2: 67-71.
35. Laskar MMH, Debabrata Banik, Md Abdul Hye, Akhtaruzzaman AKM, Huda R. Complications of regional anaesthesia with special reference to spinal, epidural and caudal anaesthesia. Journal of the Bangladesh Society of Anaesthesiologists 2008. 21:2: 80-85.
36. Akhtaruzzaman AKM, Begum Maksuda Farida Akhtar, Joy Sree Roy, Satyajit Dhar, Manzoorul Haq Laskar, Badrul Alam Mandal, Ahmed Abu Saleh. Outbreak of bacterial meningitis after spinal anaesthesia in Bangladesh. Journal of the Bangladesh Society of Anaesthesiologists 2009. 22:1: 5-11.
37. Debabrata Banik, Quamrul Huda AK, Md Rafayet Ullah Siddique, Md Mustafa Kamal, Md Mizanur Rahman, Md Rezaul Huda, Mohammad Sirajul Islam, Akhtaruzzaman AKM. Audit of General Intensive Care Unit of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University Hospital. Journal of the Bangladesh Society of Anaesthesiologists 2009. 22:1: 12-15.
38. Nezam Uddin Ahmad, Farzana Khan, Sayeda Sharmin Quadir, Mizanur Rahman, Manzoorul Hoq Laskar, Akhtaruzzaman AKM. Conceptual prevalence in palliative care amongst the physicians of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University: a comparison between the post-graduate trainees and the trainers. Journal of the Bangladesh Society of Anaesthesiologists 2009. 22:1:26-31.
39. Debabrata Banik, Md Abdul Hye, Akhtaruzzaman AKM, Lutful Aziz, Sabina Yeasmeen, Iqbal KM. Effect of small dose of intermittent IV pethidine in combination with diclofenac for postoperative pain relief. . Journal of the Bangladesh Society of Anaesthesiologists 2009. 22:2: 40-47.
40. Sabina Yeasmeen, Md Rafayet Ullah Siddique, Amirul Islam, Akhtaruzzaman AKM, Debabrata Banik, Md Abdul Hye. Use of labetalol and glyceryl trinitrate for induced hypotension in spine surgery-a comparative study. Journal of the Bangladesh Society of Anaesthesiologists 2009. 22:2: 48-53.
41. Amirul Islam, Md Rafayet Ullah Siddique, Md Mustafa Kamal, Debabrata Banik, Akhtaruzzaman AKM, Md Abdul Hye. Effects of hypertonic saline preloading in sub-arachnoid blockade for transurethral resection of prostate- a comparative study. Journal of the Bangladesh Society of Anaesthesiologists 2009. 22:2: 66-71.
42. Resham Bahadur Rana, Zerzina Rahman, Lutful Aziz, Akhtaruzzaman AKM, Iqbal KM. A study of epidural tramadol compared with epidural fentanyl combined with low dose bupivacaine for the control of metastatic cancer pain. BSMMU Journal 2009. 2: 2: 66-72.
43. Nitai Chandra Sarkar, Satyajit Dhar, Md Golam Murshed, Shuhanta Kumar Sarkar, Akhtaruzzaman AKM, Shafiqur Rahman AKM, Md Rezaul Alam, Mohammad Hossain. Intravenous Regional Anaesthesia Using Lignocaine and Lignocaine-Ketorolac- A Comparative Study. Journal of Shaheed Ziaur Rahman Med Coll 2009:13:1:22-29.
44. Jalal Uddin Ahmed, Md Shahidul Islam, Md Shafiqul Islam, Mantosh Kumar Mandal, Mohammad Sirajul Islam, Akhtaruzzaman AKM. Effect of pre-emptive intravenous Ketorolac and Bupivacaine infiltration on post-operative pethidine consumption- a comparative study. Journal of the Bangladesh Society of Anaesthesiologists 2010. 23:1: 17-21.
45. Md Shafiqul Islam, Md Tajul Islam, Dilip Kumar Bhowmick, Moinul Hossain, Akhtaruzzaman AKM, Shafiqur Rahman AKM Caudal Tramadol-Bupivacaine mixture for post-operative pain relief in sub umbilical surgery for children. Journal of the Bangladesh Society of Anaesthesiologists 2010. 23:2: 42-46.
46. Akhtaruzzaman AKM, Debabrata Banik, Begum Maksuda Farida Akhtar, Joy Sree Roy, Fazlul Haque ANM, Hye MA. Prolonged analgesic duration by adding midazolam and hyperbaric bupivacaine in sub-arachnoid block for lower uterine caesarean section- a placaebo control study. Mymensingh Medical Journal 2010. 19:4. 569-575.
47. Md Abdul Hye, Khandakar Md Masud, Debasish Banik, Debabrata Banik, Fazlul Haque ANM, Akhtaruzzaman AKM. Intrathecal neostigmine for postoperative analgesia in caesarean section. Mymensingh Medical Journal 2010. 19:4. 586-593.
48. Akhtaruzzaman AKM. Adjuvant in central Neuraxial blocks (editorial). Journal of the Bangladesh Society of Anaesthesiologists 2010. 23:2: 40-41.
49. Rubina Yasmin, Akhtaruzzaman AKM, Sayed Akhtar Khan. Role of pre-emptive analgesia in post-operative pain management – a review of literature. Journal of the Bangladesh Society of Anaesthesiologists 2010. 23:2: 62-66.
50. Md Mustafa Kamal, Abdullah Al Maruf, Md Shahadat Hossain, Md Abdus Samad, Md Hasanuzzaman, Akhtaruzzaman AKM. Epidural triamcinolone for management of low back pain with radiation-a comparative study of two dose regime. Journal of the Bangladesh Society of Anaesthesiologists 2010. 23:1: 14-18.
51. Bhowmick D K, Akhtaruzzaman AKM, M Shafiqul Islam, Nezamuddin Ahmed, M Mozaffar Hossain, Munirul Islam. Postoperative pain relief in children after sub-umbilical surgeries- a comparison between caudal bupivacaine and bupivacaine-clonidine. Mymensingh Medical Journal 2011. 20:1:93-97.
52. Nasir Uddin Ahmed, Mozaffor Hossain, Akhtaruzzaman AKM, Montosh Kumar Mondal, UH Shahera Khatun. Addition of clonidine or fentanyl with bupivacaine for supra-clavicular brachial plexus blocks in upper limb surgery- a randomized comparative study. Journal of the Bangladesh Society of Anaesthesiologists 2011. 24:1: 3-7.
53. MM Masum-Ul Haque, Montosh K Mondal, S Afroz, SS Akhter, Abdul Hye, Akhtaruzzaman AKM, KM Iqbal. The effect of low dose midazolam in additional to ondansetron on port-operative nausea and vomiting in laparoscopic cholecystectomy- a comparative study. Journal of the Bangladesh Society of Anaesthesiologists 2011. 24:1: 8-12.
54. MM A Wadud, AK Khan, Md A Hasanat, MA Samad, Md. M Islam, Akhtaruzzaman AKM. Induction characteristic of general anaesthesia in children- a comparative study between sevoflurane and halothane. Journal of the Bangladesh Society of Anaesthesiologists 2011. 24:1: 13-17.
55. Shahadat Hossain, Montosh Kumar Mondol, Beauty Rani Roy, Jesmine Akhter, Akhtaruzzaman AKM, Wahiduzzaman Mahmood. Effect of magnesium sulphate on quality of sub-arachnoid block in terms of onset and duration of motor and sensory block, APGAR score the neonate and haemodynamic status of the patient. Journal of the Bangladesh Society of Anaesthesiologists 2011. 24:2: 41-47.
56. Selina F, Akhtaruzzaman KM, Talha KA, Hossain MM, Iqbal KM. Role of oral clonidine on intraoperative haemodynamic stability for craniotomies of intracranial space occupying lesion. Mymensingh Medical Journal 2011. Apr; 20 (2):257-63.
57. Md. Manowarul Islam, Nadeem Parvez, Rabeya Begum, Akhtaruzzaman AKM, Subarachnoid clonidine or fentanyl with low dose hyperbaric bupivacaine for elective caesarean section – A comparative study. J. Dhaka National Med. Coll. Hos. 2011; 17 (01): 14-17.
58. Hasan ABM, Mondal MK, Badrudozza ANM, Bhowmick DK, Islam MM, Akhtaruzzaman AKM, Islam MM, Comparison of three fluid regimens for preloading in elective caesarean section under spinal anaesthesia. Mymensingh Medical Journal 2012. Jul; 21 (3), 533-540.
59. Dilip Kumar Saha, Paresh Chandra Sarker, Rashida Khanom, Anup Kumar Saha, Akhtaruzzaman AKM, Md. Abidul Haque. Sedation with low dose Pethidine and Diazepam in Lower Uterine Segment Cesarean Section under subarachnoid block and its effect on newborn. ICMH Journal 2012; 3(2):73-76.
60. Giash Uddin Ahmed, Montosh Kumar Mondal, Beauty Rani Roy, ANM Badrudozza, Sabina Yeasmeen, Dilip Kumar Bhowmick, Akhtaruzzaman AKM. Effects of preemptive ketamine on postoperative analgesia after total abdominal hysterectomy (TAH) under general anaesthesia. Journal of the Bangladesh Society of Anaesthesiologists 2012. 25:1.3-8.
61. Md Al Mamun, Lt Col Md Masudul Haque, Lt Col Md Abdul Aleem, Lt Col Khondker Iqbal Karim, Dilip Kumar Bhowmick, Akhtaruzzaman AKM.. Effect of propofol or oral midazolam and thiopental sodium as induction agent for day care surgery- a comparative study. Journal of the Bangladesh Society of Anaesthesiologists 2012.25:1:9-13.
62. Mohammed Rashidul Haque, Montosh Kumar Mondal, Beauty Rani Roy, Sabina Yeasmeen, Faizul Haque, Nurul Islam, AKM Akhtaruzzaman. Study of Effect of Fentanyl and Tramadol added to low dose Bupivacaine in subarachnoid block for caesarean section. Journal of the Bangladesh Society of Anaesthesiologists 2012; 25(2):41-47
63. Malaya Kumar Das, Rubina Yeasmin, UH Shahera Khatun, Md Tanveer Alam, Akhtaruzzaman AKM, Haradhan Debnath. Effect of pretreatment with magnesium sulphate on suxamethonium induced complications during induction of general anaesthesia- a placebo control study. Journal of the Bangladesh Society of Anaesthesiologists 2013; 26(1):27-32.
64. Nepal Chandra Saha, Mehedi Masud, Mohammad Sofiuddin, Mushfiqur Rahman, Dilip Kumar Bhowmick, Md Shafiqul Islam, Akhtaruzzaman AKM. Preemptive oral paracetamol in laparoscopic cholecystectomy surgery-a comparative study. Journal of the Bangladesh Society of Anaesthesiologists 2013; 26(1):33-38.
65. Sabina Yeasmeen, Dilip Kumar Bhowmick, A.K.M Faizul Hoque, Montosh Kumar, Mondal, Md. Shafiqul Islam, Md, Hassanul Alam, Akhtaruzzaman AKM. Audit of Anaesthetic Management for Lower Segment Caesarian Section (LUCS) at Term Pregnancy with Maternal Heart Disease in BSMMU. Journal of the Bangladesh Society of Anaesthesiologists 2013; 26(2):63-68
66. AKM Akhtaruzzaman, Md. Wahidur Rahman, D.K. Bhowmick, M.F.A. Begum. Foot drop after subarachnoid block for removal of McDonal cervical suture and cesarean section. APICARE (Pakistan Journal of Anaesthesia, Pain and Intensive Care Medicine) 2014; 18 (1): 52-58
67. Md. Shafiqul Islam, Mushfiqur Rahman, Mahbubul Hasan Munir, Akhtaruzzaman AKM, AKM Nur Nobi Choudhury. Subarachnoid Block for Transurethral Resection of Prostate: A Comparison Between 0.5% Plain Isobaric Bupivacaine-Fentanyl and 0.5% Hyperbaric Bupivacaine Alone. Journal of the Bangladesh Society of Anaesthesiologists 2014; 27(2):65-70.
68. M M Rifat Chowdhury, Md Shafiqul Islam, D.K. Bhowmick, Md Mustafa Kamal, Akhtaruzzaman AKM. Effects of clonidine on hemodynamic response and dural tightness in patients with supra-tentorial space occupying lesion undergoing craniotomy- a placebo controlled comparative study. APICARE (Pakistan Journal of Anaesthesia, Pain and Intensive Care Medicine) 2015; 19 (3): 233-239.
69. Moniruzzaman M, Hossain MS, Amin MR, Khasru MR, Rahman MA, Khandaker MN, Uddin MT, Akhtaruzzaman AKM. Efficacy of intradiscal ozone gas therapy combined with physical therapy in contained lumber disc prolapse. Bangladesh Med J. 2015 Sep; 44(3).
70. Nasir Uddin Ahmed, Masuda Islam Khan, Aynul Islam Khan, Akhtaruzzaman AKM. Low dose bupivacaine plus fentanyl in subarachnoid block for caesarean Section. Delta Med Col J. Jan 2016; 4(1):24-30.
71. Jonathan Loveday, Sonal P. Sachdev, Meena N. Cherian, Francisco Katayama, Akhtaruzzaman A K M , Joe Thomas, N. Huda, E. Brian Faragher, Walter D. Johnson. Survey of Emergency and Essential Surgical, Obstetric and Anaesthetic Services Available in Bangladeshi Government Health Facilities. World J Surg 2017; 41(4):. doi:10.1007/s00268-017-3918-6
72. Banik D, Ray L, Akhtaruzzaman AKM, Bhowmick DK, Hossain MS, Islam MS, Haque MF. Assessment of Difficulties Associated with Endotracheal Intubation using Modified Mallampati and Upper Lip Bite Test. Mymensingh Medical Journal 2017 Apr; 26(2):395-405.
(Prof AKM Akhtaruzzaman)